coal based machine

Coal identifiion based on a deep network and reflectance ...

Coal identifiion based on a deep network and reflectance ...

WEBApr 5, 2022 · In this section, we discuss several typical coal classifiion methods. The use of machine learning methods in combination with spectroscopy to classify coal is based mainly on ELM, random forest (RF) and support vector machine (SVM) [38], [39]. The comparison results are presented in Table 2. The proposed method outperforms these .

(PDF) Seismic structure interpretation based on machine learning.

(PDF) Seismic structure interpretation based on machine learning.

WEBApr 2, 2019 · The machinelearningbased workflow provides a new technique for seismic structure interpretation in coal mining. Neural network model. Construction of the hyperplane: φ is the mapping function ...

Datadriven modeling of power generation for a coal power plant .

Datadriven modeling of power generation for a coal power plant .

WEBJan 1, 2023 · The DNN memorybased models show significant superiority over other stateoftheart machine learning models for short, medium and long range predictions. The transformerbased model with attention enhances the selection of historical data for multihorizon forecasting, and also allows to interpret the significance of internal power plant ...

Coal Exploration Based on a Multilayer Extreme Learning Machine .

Coal Exploration Based on a Multilayer Extreme Learning Machine .

WEBJul 26, 2018 · OAPA. Coal exploration based on the MELM model and Landsat 8 satellite images: (a) image taken on July 5th, 2015; (b) image taken on May 4th, 2016; (c) image taken on June 24th, 2017; (d) Google ...

Prediction of Coal Calorific Value Based on a Hybrid Linear

Prediction of Coal Calorific Value Based on a Hybrid Linear

WEBJan 1, 2013 · Maixi Lu, Zhou C (2009) Coal calorific value prediction with linear regression and artificial neural network. Coal Sci Technol 37:117–120. Google Scholar Jiang W, Hongqi W, Qu T (2011) Prediction of the calorific value for coal based on the SVM with parameters optimized by genetic algorithm. Thermal Power Gener 40:14–19

Research on prediction model of coal spontaneous combustion .

Research on prediction model of coal spontaneous combustion .

WEBMar 1, 2024 · The above literature is based on gas analysis methods and deploys machine learning to predict coal spontaneous combustion temperature, achieving basically the goal of predicting coal temperature. However, detailed analysis of gas reactions in various stages of coal heating is limited through the literature, resulting in insufficient information ...

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Environmental cost control of coal industry based .

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Environmental cost control of coal industry based .

WEBJun 3, 2021 · This paper uses this as a starting point to propose a distributed support vector machine model based on a cloud computing platform. The model is based on the existing popular MapReduce distributed computing framework, and completes the classifiion and prediction work in the coal system in a distributed manner. ... Environmental cost control ...

Early Warning of Gas Concentration in Coal Mines Production Based .

Early Warning of Gas Concentration in Coal Mines Production Based .

WEBAug 25, 2021 · Gas explosion has always been an important factor restricting coal mine production safety. The appliion of machine learning techniques in coal mine gas concentration prediction and early warning can effectively prevent gas explosion accidents. Nearly all traditional prediction models use a regression technique to predict gas .

Calorific value prediction of coal and its optimization by machine ...

Calorific value prediction of coal and its optimization by machine ...

WEBAug 15, 2023 · Prediction of gross calorific value as a function of proximate parameters for Jharia and Raniganj coal using machine learning based regression methods. Int J Coal Prep Util, 42 (12) (2022), pp., / View in Scopus Google Scholar [38]

WSN based Intelligent Coal Mine Monitoring using Machine .

WSN based Intelligent Coal Mine Monitoring using Machine .

WEBKeeping in mind the various problems related to gas leakage causing accidents in the coal mine, this paper depicts coal monitoring system using wireless sensor networks and IoT, which can monitor the various gas and temperature parameters and take action with the help of multimodal logistic regression algorithm applied on the real time collected data .

Image feature extraction and recognition model construction of coal .

Image feature extraction and recognition model construction of coal .

WEBDec 5, 2022 · Professor Shan Pengfei adopted a coalrock identifiion method based on machine deep learning FasterRCNN, which realized the accurate identifiion and loion of coal seam and rock stratum ...

Development and Research on Localization of Coal Machine Reducer Based ...

Development and Research on Localization of Coal Machine Reducer Based ...

WEBSep 1, 2023 · Based on reverse engineering, this paper discusses the process of localization and development of imported coal machine reducers and focuses on the five steps from the reducer design stage.

Automatic Events Recognition in Low SNR Microseismic Signals of Coal .

Automatic Events Recognition in Low SNR Microseismic Signals of Coal .

WEBMar 23, 2022 · The technology of microseismic monitoring, the first step of which is event recognition, provides an effective method for giving early warning of dynamic disasters in coal mines, especially mining water hazards, while signals with a low signaltonoise ratio (SNR) usually cannot be recognized effectively by systematic methods. This paper .

Modeling of gross calorific value based on coal properties

Modeling of gross calorific value based on coal properties

WEBMar 10, 2017 · Gross calorific value (GCV) is one the most important coal combustion parameters for power plants. Modeling of GCV based on coal properties could be a key for estimating the amount of coal consumption in the combustion system of various plants. In this study, support vector regression (SVR) as a powerful prediction method has been .

Coal Mine Safety Investment Prediction Based on Support Vector Machine .

Coal Mine Safety Investment Prediction Based on Support Vector Machine .

WEBThe paper analyzed coal mine safety investment influence factors and established coal mine safety investment prediction model based on support vector machine. Finally, the paper adopted survey data of a mine in Huainan to exemplify and compare with traditional BP network, which proved the method feasibility and effectivity.

Research of Mine Conveyor Belt Deviation Detection System Based .

Research of Mine Conveyor Belt Deviation Detection System Based .

WEBDec 3, 2021 · Based on the above, this scheme designs the mine belt conveyor deviation fault detection system based on machine vision, uses mine camera to collect images, uses OpenCV visual library compiler software for image processing, carries on the clear processing to the coal mine image, effectively reduces the coal dust influence, .

Coal structure identifiion based on geophysical logging data ...

Coal structure identifiion based on geophysical logging data ...

WEBFeb 1, 2024 · Coal structure identifiion based on PSOSVM. In this study, the coal structure prediction model was established based on 175 sets of data (53 undeformed coal, 67 aclastic coal and 54 granulated coal) from 20 wells, excluding 10 sets of data from the No. 3 coal seam in Well M19 (4 undeformed coal, 1 aclastic coal and 2 .

Design of Coal Conveying Belt Correction Device Based on FTA

Design of Coal Conveying Belt Correction Device Based on FTA

WEBOct 22, 2023 · The belt conveyor is a key piece of equipment for thermal power plants. Belt mistracking causes higher economic costs, lower production efficiency, and more safety accidents. The existing belt correction devices suffer from poor performance and high costs. Therefore, a design method for coal conveying belt correction devices is proposed in .

A novel workflow based on physicsinformed machine learning to ...

A novel workflow based on physicsinformed machine learning to ...

WEBSep 1, 2021 · The workflow combines physicsbased simulation, laboratory experiments, and a datadriven machine learning approach for estimating the permeability profile. As part of this workflow, several coal specimens from the study coal seam are first tested under different stresses to measure their permeability, density, and ultrasonic responses.

Coal Face Gas Emission Prediction Based on Support Vector Machine .

Coal Face Gas Emission Prediction Based on Support Vector Machine .

WEBMine work face gas emission quantity is an important mine design basis, which also has important practical significance for guide mine design, ventilation and safety production. Mine gas emission quantity and work face multi factors have complex nonlinear relationship. The paper built the work face gas emission prediction support vector .

Machine learning prediction of calorific value of coal based on .

Machine learning prediction of calorific value of coal based on .

WEBApr 12, 2022 · Machine learning prediction of calorific value of coal based on the hybrid analysis. April 2022. International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization 43 (1):122. DOI: / ...

Coal and Gangue Classifiion Based on LaserInduced .

Coal and Gangue Classifiion Based on LaserInduced .

WEBDec 8, 2023 · Liu et al. realized the approximate analysis of coal based on laserinduced breakdown spectra by combining principal component regression, artificial neural network, and PCAANN models. All of the above methods are used to deal with highdimensional spectral data using machine learning, but the direct use of machine learning algorithms .

Experimental analysis of vibratory screener efficiency based on .

Experimental analysis of vibratory screener efficiency based on .

WEBDOI: / Corpus ID: ; Experimental analysis of vibratory screener efficiency based on density variation for screening coal and iron ore article{Shanmugam2023ExperimentalAO, title={Experimental analysis of vibratory screener efficiency based on density variation for screening coal and iron ore}, .

Effects of Nibased composite coatings on failure mechanism and .

Effects of Nibased composite coatings on failure mechanism and .

WEBSep 1, 2023 · Effects of Nibased composite coatings on failure mechanism and wear resistance of cutting picks on coal shearer machine. ... After completing the field studies in a real scale coal cutting machine and measuring the wear rate of the coated and uncoated picks refer to cutting operation length, the results of these measurements were analyzed .

Coal and Rock Classifiion with Rib Images and Machine .

Coal and Rock Classifiion with Rib Images and Machine .

WEBJan 13, 2022 · Since hundreds or thousands of patches can be extracted from each image, the patch database is much larger than the rock and coal image database. The machine learning process is based on the patches. As discussed earlier, the RGB images are stored as threedimensional arrays, and the extraction of patches is accomplished by extracting .

Development and Research on Localization of Coal Machine Reducer Based ...

Development and Research on Localization of Coal Machine Reducer Based ...

WEBSep 1, 2023 · With the trend of localization of imported coal machine reducers being imperative, the traditional reducer development method has the problems of a high failure rate in the design stage, a long development cycle, and high manufacturing costs. Based on reverse engineering, this paper discusses the process of localization and .

(PDF) Appliion research on the prediction of tar yield of deep coal ...

(PDF) Appliion research on the prediction of tar yield of deep coal ...

WEBJul 4, 2023 · Based on a particle swarm optimization algorithm and two machine learning algorithms, BP neural network and random forest, a prediction model of tar yield from oilrich coal is constructed in this ...

Coal mining

Coal mining

WEBA coal mine mantrip at Lackawanna Coal Mine in Scranton, Pennsylvania Coal miners exiting a winder cage at a mine near Richlands, ia in 1974 Surface coal mining in Wyoming, A coal mine in Frameries, Belgium. Coal mining is the process of extracting coal from the ground or from a mine. Coal is valued for its energy content and .

Calorific value prediction of coal and its optimization by machine ...

Calorific value prediction of coal and its optimization by machine ...

WEBApr 1, 2023 · In this study, we used machine learning based approach to classify fuels with the use of proximate analysis results,, fixed carbon, volatile matter and ash contents.

Classifiion of Coal Bursting Liability Based on Support Vector ...

Classifiion of Coal Bursting Liability Based on Support Vector ...

WEBDec 23, 2022 · failure of coal, coal bursting liability (CBL) is the basis of the research on the early warning and prevention of coal burst. T o accurately classify the CBL level, the supportvectormachine (SVM)

Coal mine area monitoring method by machine learning and .

Coal mine area monitoring method by machine learning and .

WEBDec 1, 2019 · SVM has good generalization performance and can effectively process problems such as complex data, small sample size, and nonlinear. Wang et al. [36], [37] proposed a coal recognition method (CSVM) based on SVM and coal spectral characteristics. Their results prove that the CSVM is stronger than the traditional coal .