drilling blasting mucking hauling iron ore process

Mucking and hauling

Mucking and hauling

WEBThe mucking is done by retreating with remote controlled equipment. After a blast, the stope is completely mucked prior to another blast. This prevents the ore to be lost in the event of wall failure. The scooptram dumps the ore directly into trucks. EQUIPEMENT. 6yard remote control scooptrams (2 units) 3yard remote control scooptram; 26 t trucks

Description of mining methods (step by step)

Description of mining methods (step by step)

WEBThe broken ore is completely mucked out after each blast. When the stope is completely blasted and mucked out, it is backfilled. The drilling of the drop raise is completed and the process is repeated for each following section. Attached Documents. Top access of a stope (Picture) Drop raise ready to blast (Picture) Drilling equipment (Picture)

Determination of drilling and blasting parameters considering .

Determination of drilling and blasting parameters considering .

WEBPDF | On Mar 1, 2019, Fedko and others published Determination of drilling and blasting parameters considering the stressstrain state of rock ores | Find, read and cite all the research you ...

Life cycle assessment of iron ore mining and processing

Life cycle assessment of iron ore mining and processing

WEBJan 1, 2022 · Mining of iron ore is a highly capital and energyintensive process. Life cycle assessment of the mining and mineral processing of iron ore in Australia was carried out in this chapter using SimaPro life cycle assessment software as a case study. The environmental impacts considered in the study were embodied energy and greenhouse .

Our Services | Action Drill Blast

Our Services | Action Drill Blast

WEBDrill Blast, Design Optimisation; Drilling; Explosive Supply Storage; Down The Hole Service; ... Open cut metalliferous ore mining; Waste removal; Pit development, presplits, smooth wall blasting, box cuts ... Production and controlled blasting; Selective blasting; Civil Construction (Resources Sector) Read More. Commodities. Iron ore ...

Techniques in Underground Mining

Techniques in Underground Mining

WEBMar 13, 2011 · Meanwhile the holes are charged and a blast pattern which covers a large area within the stope breaks up a large volume of ore in one blast. The blasted ore drops to the stope bottom to be recovered by the LHD vehicles mucking in the drawpoint beneath the stope. Normally, the longhole drilling stays ahead of the charging and .

Open Pit Blasting | SpringerLink

Open Pit Blasting | SpringerLink

WEBJan 31, 2023 · Open pit blasting is the operation of ore and rock that are stripped and broken into certain bricks by the chemical energy from the explosive explosion when loading mining industrial explosives and initiating equipment into the blast hole according to certain requirements in the openpit. It is one of the main technologies of openpit mining.

Mining of Iron Ores – IspatGuru

Mining of Iron Ores – IspatGuru

WEBMar 14, 2014 · Fig 2 Typical surface iron ore mine. In the process of mining ore benches are developed for the purpose of drilling, blasting, and hauling of the ore to the crushing plant. The height of the benches is dependent on several factors such as output requirement, shape, size and depth of occurrence of ore body, geological disturbance .

Underground Stoping Practice Methods

Underground Stoping Practice Methods

WEBApr 4, 2017 · The general conditions to which each of the principal stoping methods is applicable have been stated briefly in the preceding pages. Variations of the principal methods, differences in methods of drilling and blasting, handling ore and waste in the stopes, transferring broken ore from the stopes to the haulageways, and filling and .

Dust pollution hazard and harmful airborne dust exposure

Dust pollution hazard and harmful airborne dust exposure

WEBJul 19, 2022 · Underground mining is a process by which the naturally occurring mineral deposits are extracted from the earth's crust by employing various mining methods (supported, unsupported, and caving methods) (Hamrin 2001).The mining processes involving drilling, blasting, mucking, hauling, crushing, etc., inherently produce .

Electrifiion Alternatives for Open Pit Mine Haulage

Electrifiion Alternatives for Open Pit Mine Haulage

WEBJan 1, 2023 · TruckShovel system continues to be the predominant mining hauling system of choice for surface mines because of its ease of implementation, high flexibility, and high scalability. 1. Ease of implementation. The majority upfront expenditures of TS systems are trucks and loaders (, excavators and electric shovels).

Drill and Blast | Mining Methods | American Mine Services

Drill and Blast | Mining Methods | American Mine Services

WEBThe drill and blast mining, as its name would suggest, is a method of mining that begins with drilling holes into rock after careful surveying and developing a plan. Next, these holes are carefully loaded with explosives. The explosives are then detonated, causing the rock to fracture and crumble. From there, it is simply a matter of removing ...

Drilling, Blasting and Mucking | 7 | v2 | Transportation Tunnels | S.

Drilling, Blasting and Mucking | 7 | v2 | Transportation Tunnels | S.

WEBThe work of drilling and blasting rock is done in cycles known as 'the round'. It comprises of: drilling, blasting, smoke time, mucking and supporting. Holes are drilled by using pneumatically operated rock drills with wet drilling. The typical drilling pattern, sequence of blasting and quantum of charge used recently for heading and ...

Rock Fragmentation Evaluation towards BlastToMill Concept of Blast .

Rock Fragmentation Evaluation towards BlastToMill Concept of Blast .

WEBThese operations are mainly loading or excavation or mucking, hauling, dewatering, drilling, and processing. However, the effect of blasting on the comminution process is the focus of this research study. Comminution is the term applied to the process by which the particle size of an ore stream is progressively reduced.

Mucking efficiency in open pit blasting

Mucking efficiency in open pit blasting

WEBThe excavators' efficiency, given as the mucking rate and bucket payload, is investigated in this paper in terms of the influence of the blasting parameters on it. Quantitative data are given for 11 blasts in an open pit iron ore mine. The predominant rocks in the blocks, itabirite and hematite, are described by pointload strength and ...

Operation Management of Drilling Processes in Surface Mining

Operation Management of Drilling Processes in Surface Mining

WEBMar 1, 2019 · Rotary drilling with rolling tricone bits is the most widely used method for drilling largediameter blastholes in large surface mining operations. This drilling method is applicable to a wide ...

A systemwide approach to minimize the operational cost of .

A systemwide approach to minimize the operational cost of .

WEBDec 12, 2018 · The production cycle of opencast coal mines generally includes drilling, blasting, loading, hauling and coal preparation activities. Individual optimization of these activities does not mean that the whole system is optimized. This paper proposes a cost model considering all activities in mining cycle and systemwide approach to minimize .

(PDF) Ch. 74 / Techniques in Underground Mining TECHNIQUES .

(PDF) Ch. 74 / Techniques in Underground Mining TECHNIQUES .

WEBMeanwhile the holes are charged and a blast pattern which covers a large area within the stope breaks up a large volume of ore in one blast. The blasted ore drops to the stope bottom to be recovered by the LHD vehicles mucking in the drawpoint beneath the stope. Normally, the longhole drilling stays ahead of the charging and blasting ...

Underground hardrock mining

Underground hardrock mining

WEBDoor for directing ventilation in an old lead mine. The ore hopper at the front is not part of the ventilation. One of the most important aspects of underground hard rock mining is is the primary method of clearing hazardous gases and/or dust which are created from drilling and blasting activity (, silica dust, NOx), diesel equipment .

LHDLPDT cycle time optimization of underground metal mine

LHDLPDT cycle time optimization of underground metal mine

WEBJan 1, 2023 · Introduction. The current work focuses on LPDT (Low profile dump trucks) – LHD (Loadhauldump) cycle time optimization reduction in total cycle time of hauling ore which results into increase in number of trips of LPDT's for increasing the total production of the mine. The invention of LHDs can be said to be a milestone in mining.

Conventional ShaftSinking | SpringerLink

Conventional ShaftSinking | SpringerLink

WEBDec 27, 2022 · Conventional ShaftSinking. Conventional shaftsinking is a construction method to sink shaft by the directly adopting drillingblasting process, without taking special measures in advance. It is suitable for the hydrogeological and engineering geological conditions where the wellbore water inflow is less than 30 m 3 /h, and the .

Human Error Probability Determination in Blasting Process of Ore .

Human Error Probability Determination in Blasting Process of Ore .

WEBSep 1, 2022 · A HTA was conducted. The blasting process in the iron ore mine process consists of six tasks: preparation of explosive plan by engineering unit, drilling holes, loading and carrying explosives, blast hole loading, connecting the spark plug cables, and blasting process. Then, all subtasks were classified using the HTA for each task.

Choice of Method

Choice of Method

WEBThe mining is done like the shrinkage stoping. Given the gently dipping, the gravity sliding of the ore is difficult. In order to ensure a good recovery during the final mucking, a scraper is used. The workers remain in the stope throughout the final mucking cycle. Pillars are built as the ore lessen in order to secure the workers.

Deep impact:  takes automated drilling to the next .

Deep impact: takes automated drilling to the next .

WEBNov 28, 2017 · The multiple benefits for BHP include optimised drilling − which in turn improves digging, loading and hauling − and increased machine uptime, without compromising the quality of the mined ore. The Pit Viper 271 is capable of working for hours of a 12hour shift, with just one person required to oversee three drills, compared .

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