coal treatment process

Coal Mining and Processing Methods

Coal Mining and Processing Methods

WEBIn surface mining, the ground covering the coal seam (the overburden) is first removed to expose the coal seam for extraction. The elements of a surface mining operation are (1) topsoil removal and storage for later use, (2) drilling and blasting the strata overlying the coal seam, (3) loading and transporting this fragmented overburden material (called .

Integrated treatment processes for coalgasifiion wastewater .

Integrated treatment processes for coalgasifiion wastewater .

WEBJan 1, 2017 · After treatment, the concentration of phenols in the wastewater was reduced to 450 mg/L, suitable for connection with a biochemical treatment process (Yu et al., 2010). In this process the cost for removing phenol, ammonia and other pollutants is the high energy consumption for distillation and stripper process ( Feng et al., 2009 ).

Enhanced anaerobic biodegradation of typical phenolic compounds in coal ...

Enhanced anaerobic biodegradation of typical phenolic compounds in coal ...

WEBNov 15, 2023 · 1. Introduction. To meet the growing demand for clean and green energy in China, coal gasifiion industrial has been rapidly developed to produce gaseous fuels in recent years (Ji et al., 2016).However, considerable toxic and refractory wastewater is produced during the production and many types of hazardous pollutants are present in .

Ballmilled magnetic sludge biochar enables fast ...

Ballmilled magnetic sludge biochar enables fast ...

WEBJul 1, 2023 · Additionally, Fe 3 O 4 /SC with SC matrix derived from coal chemical sludge was added back to biological CCW treatment process, which followed the "waste control by waste" concept. Understanding the characteristics and functions of Fe 3 O 4 /SC may expand their appliion, realizing "reduce, reuse and recycle" of coal chemical sludge.

A review on the coal gasifiion wastewater treatment technologies ...

A review on the coal gasifiion wastewater treatment technologies ...

WEBJul 10, 2016 · The 1977–2015 literature on treatment of the coal gasifiion wastewater is reviewed. An overview based on ammonia and phenol recovery, biochemical treatments and advanced treatment technologies is presented with the purpose of unveiling the reasons behind problems of high concentration of persistent organic pollutants being .

Heat integration of phenols and ammonia recovery process for .

Heat integration of phenols and ammonia recovery process for .

WEBNov 1, 2017 · Phenols and ammonia recovery process is a significant part of the CGW treatment to remove sour gas such as H 2 S and CO 2, and recycle the valuable resource in turn, such as phenols and ammonia [5].Nowadays, several types of phenols and ammonia recovery process have been applied to industry [6], [7], [8].The main .

Pollution control of wastewater from the coal chemical industry in ...

Pollution control of wastewater from the coal chemical industry in ...

WEBMar 4, 2021 · Coal chemical enterprises should undertake one to two environmental protection demonstration tasks, while also undertaking process demonstration tasks. Coal chemical industry enterprises should conduct wastewater treatment technology demonstration from the aspects of highconcentration organic wastewater treatment, .

Efficiency of submerged ceramic flat membrane bioreactor in the ...

Efficiency of submerged ceramic flat membrane bioreactor in the ...

WEBJul 1, 2023 · In Zhuang et al. [12], the combined process of pure oxygen microbubbles and MBR were studied. They found that the average removal ratios of COD and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in wastewater were 80 % and 86 %. The above two experimental results show that the MBR process has a good treatment effect on coal chemical .

Biological treatment of refractory organic compounds in coal ...

Biological treatment of refractory organic compounds in coal ...

WEBApr 1, 2024 · The treatment of diverse mine waters and coal chemical effluent has grown to be a serious environmental issue with the growth of the coal mining and coal chemical industries [1, 2].The world coal consumption chart (Fig. 1) shows that China had the highest coal usage in 2021, reaching EJ [3].Coal gasifiion is one of the primary uses of .

Microbial community composition and function prediction

Microbial community composition and function prediction

WEBJun 25, 2022 · The hydrolytic acidifiion process has a strong ability to conduct denitrogenation and increase the biological oxygen demand/chemical oxygen demand ratio in O/H/O coking wastewater treatment system. More than 80% of the total nitrogen (TN) was removed in the hydrolytic bioreactor, and the hydrolytic acidifiion process .

Heat integration of phenols and ammonia recovery process for .

Heat integration of phenols and ammonia recovery process for .

WEBNov 1, 2017 · An improved phenol and ammonia recovery process that the sour water stripper and the solvent recovery system are thermal integrated is proposed based on the conventional wastewater treatment process. Therein, the ammoniarich gas drawn from the middle of sour water stripper, as a heat source, is exchanged with the reboiler of the .

Review on treatment technology of salt wastewater in coal .

Review on treatment technology of salt wastewater in coal .

WEBNov 1, 2020 · In the treatment of highsalt wastewater, coal chemical industry projects in China mostly use the "double membrane" reuse technology of "ultrafiltration + reverse osmosis". Reverse osmosis is the core and main technology of reuse treatment, while ultrafiltration is the pretreatment and protection process. Highsalt wastewater refers to ...

Introductory Chapter: Coal Fly Ash and Its Appliion for .

Introductory Chapter: Coal Fly Ash and Its Appliion for .

WEBJan 31, 2018 · Coal fly ash can be used effectively to treat AMD. However, the process has its strengths and weaknesses. The treatment technology will be dependent on the chemical properties of the coal fly ash and the AMD effluents being treatment. This means that the treatment process has to be optimized for each coal fly ash/AMD combination for .

Process simulation of ion exchange desalination treatment of coal .

Process simulation of ion exchange desalination treatment of coal .

WEBFeb 1, 2019 · 1. Introduction. Coal seam gas (CSG) is an unconventional resource which has been exploited in recent years as a substitute for coal and oil [1].Gas extraction involves decreasing the water pressure which holds the methane in place in the coal cleats [2, 3].Through this process, significant volumes of associated water are produced .

Treatment of coking wastewater in biofilmbased bioaugmentation process .

Treatment of coking wastewater in biofilmbased bioaugmentation process .

WEBDec 5, 2020 · Coking wastewater is one of coal chemical wastewater, which contains various refractory organic pollutants. To meet the more and more rigorous discharge standard and increase the reuse ratio of coking wastewater, advanced treatment process must be set for treating the biologically treated coking wastewater.

Life cycle economic assessment of coal chemical wastewater treatment .

Life cycle economic assessment of coal chemical wastewater treatment .

WEBFeb 1, 2020 · Generation and treatment process of coal gasifiion wastewater. Water treatment in coal liquefaction. According to National Plan for MediumandLong Term Energy Development, coal liquefaction capacity is to increase to 30 million t/a (NDRC, 2007) in 2020. The planned coal liquefaction projects have achieved million t/a in .

Optimizing carbon sources regulation in the biochemical treatment ...

Optimizing carbon sources regulation in the biochemical treatment ...

WEBJun 1, 2024 · Moreover, the removal rate of PAHs in the conventional biochemical treatment process is only 8–15 % (Jia et al. 2016). Consequently, the key challenge in clean production and highquality development in the coal chemical industry is the urgent need to realize the effective degradation of aromatic compounds and the harmless .

Modifiion of subbituminous coal by steam treatment: Caking .

Modifiion of subbituminous coal by steam treatment: Caking .

WEBDec 1, 2011 · A Chinese subbituminous Shenfu (SF) coal was steam treated under atmospheric pressure and the caking and coking properties of the treated coals were evaluated by caking indexes (G RI) and crucible coking results show that steam treatment can obviously increase the G RI of SF coal. When the steam .

Coal Treatment and Desulfurization | SpringerLink

Coal Treatment and Desulfurization | SpringerLink

WEBOther treatment processes include several chemical methods and biological leaching, which still needs development, but is very promising. One of the chemical methods is the Meyer's process, TWR, and is perhaps the best because it recycles the chemical, it does not require fine crushing of the coal, and sulfur removal is very efficient.

Integration of thermovapor compressors with phenol and .

Integration of thermovapor compressors with phenol and .

WEBJan 1, 2019 · The wastewater treatment process was firstly developed for Lurgi fixed bed pressurized gasifiion wastewater to deal with the high concentrated phenol and ammonia [22].It is well introduced in Harbin gasifiion plant and Inner Mongolia Tuke coal fertilizer project [13].The phenol and ammonia concentrations are reduced in this process to low .

Optimization modeling and mechanism discussion on specific

Optimization modeling and mechanism discussion on specific

WEBDec 29, 2022 · Coalwashing wastewater is the residual produced by the coal industry, which may represent a high risk of serious environmental problems worldwide. However, prevailing coalwashing treatment processes are hardly ideal for achieving the goal of solid–liquid separation due to the wastewater's extremely stable physicochemical .

A novel bioelectroFenton process with FeVO4/CF hode on .

A novel bioelectroFenton process with FeVO4/CF hode on .

WEBApr 3, 2018 · An investigation was carried out aimed at checking the feasibility of the novel bioelectroFenton process with FeVO 4 /CF hode on advanced treatment of coal gasifiion wastewater. The maximum power density arrived mW/m 3 in MFCFeVO 4 /CF system, which was corresponding to a current density of A/m 3 at the .

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